Some of the most infuriating conversations I’ve had in the past few years have centered on this misguided notion that we should all strive for (figurative) colorblindness, and/or that talking about race in the United States contributes to a “divide.” To which I say:     F. That. Noise. and freely cast sideeyes all around.Read More →

#MeToo Recently, my internet existence has been saturated with declarations of “me too.” Brief re-cap for those who’ve thus far managed to survive in a social-media-free world or otherwise enjoy residing under an exceptionally large shady rock: women the world over have taken to these internet streets to direct attention towards the absurd regularity and widespread nature of sexual harassment and assault. When it first began trending, the idea was to simply write “me too” and nothing else, but soon women began sharing their stories as well. When I first noticed it, I thought about posting but then I thought to add an example sinceRead More →